How To Remove Stains From Marble Worktops

Marble Worktops Stain Removal

There’s a reason why marble has been used for centuries to fit out people’s homes and workplaces. It looks great and is unique in that it combines visual appeal with functionality. It is tough, durable and comes in an array of colours and patterns that can fit a multitude of tastes. As a result, it is perfect for fitting out kitchens, bathrooms and general application to different parts of your home or workspace.

However, the unique characteristics that make marble strong and visually appealing also make it susceptible to staining. This is because Marble is metamorphic rock made from calcite, a highly porous mineral that gives marble its attractive visual qualities. But it is the porous characteristic of calcite that makes it so susceptible to staining as liquids are absorbed by the calcite and leave behind deposits when they dry. This article will explain, there are ways of removing stains from your marble worktop and also preventing them in the first place. 


Preventative Measures

It is recommended to always seal your marble worktops before using them. This will give your marble protection, creating a non-porous surface and protect it from liquids seeping into the surface and creating stains. You can seal your marble worktops yourself by following our easy guide, or alternatively you can hire a professional to do it for you.

Even with a sealed marble surface, we recommend always using drink matts, coasters, stands and trivets to give you the best line of defence against creating unnecessary stains. 


How to Handle Fresh Stains

So, you’ve just put a brand spanking new polished marble worktop in your kitchen that is looking fantastic, but the cat has split your morning coffee all over it. While this might initially instil a sense of panic in you, it need not. 

When considering how to remove stains from marble worktops, sometimes attack is the best form of defence. As soon as the spill happens, use a damp wet cloth to carefully dab the surface while being careful not to spread the stain around. By acting immediately you will prevent the staining substance from penetrating the marble and improve the chances of removing it completely. Afterwards just dry the area with a dry soft towel of some form. Kitchen roll or a tea towel is ideal. 


How to Remove Everyday Stains

While everyday spills may seem innocuous, they accumulate over time and can damage your marble surfaces. Tea for example is a particular culprit. That’s ok though, as many stains can be addressed using a mild soap detergent or pH-neutral cleaner that will lift stains out your marble worktop without causing permanent damage. Mix a small amount of detergent with water and carefully dab the surface. Wait a little while for the stain to lift, then wipe away with water and dry completely with a soft cloth.


How to Remove Stubborn Stains

Unfortunately, even for the most diligent of stain preventers there will be mishaps and spills that are unavoidable. It’s just part of life. However, it doesn’t mean your expensive marble worktop needs to look tired or worn. To remove stubborn stains from marble worktops, you can try these two methods:

Mix baking soda and water together to form a smooth paste. Apply the baking soda paste directly on to the stain and leave overnight or for 24 hours, sealed with plastic wrap. Once you have waited the time to let the stain lift, clean off with fresh water and dry completely using a soft cloth.

For light-coloured marble worktops mix 12% hydrogen peroxide with a few drops of ammonia and apply it to the stained area with a clean cloth. Leave for a few seconds before rubbing away with a soft damp cloth. Ensure the area is thoroughly dried as residual water can leave further marks. 


How to Remove Water Stains from Marble Worktops

For some surfaces water is a great natural cleaner. But because marble is porous it absorbs water, which may contain corrosive acids or impurities that will remain in the marble after the water has evaporated. However, water stains can easily be removed from your marble worktop by following these easy steps:


  • Remove any excess water: Begin by dapping away any excess liquid with a soft clean cloth. Do not be tempted to rub the stain as you may spread it. 
  • Make a Poultice: A poultice is a paste that will draw any water-based stains out of the marble. To make the poultice, in a small bowl add one teaspoon of water to a tablespoon of baking soda and stir until it is smooth and thick like cake icing. 
  • Apply: Spread the poultice over the offending stain and ensure it is covered evenly.
  • Cover and leave: Now cover the poultice with a small piece of Tupperware or clingfilm to prevent it drying out and leave for 24 hours. 
  • Remove, rinse and dry: Once left, scrape off the poultice with a soft implement like a spatula so as not to scratch the marble, wipe with a soft damp cloth and dry. 


Avoid Acidic Substances and Abrasive Cleaners

With marble looking so strong and durable you could be forgiven for thinking it will stand up to rough treatment, especially when cleaning. However, while you might not notice it with one or two cleans, over time using the wrong cleaning utensils can permanently damage your marble work tops and surfaces. We therefore recommend you avoid using:

Abrasive Cleaners: As marble is relatively soft, over time abrasive cleaners will gradually rub away the surface of the marble leading to visible damage and dulling of its natural shine, a property that makes it so attractive in the first place.

Acidic Substances: It is important to avoid certain acids like vinegar, lemon juice and harsh household cleaners. This is because marble is made up of calcium carbonate which acidic cleaners will dissolve to leave your glossy worktop looking lifeless and faded. 


Get Professional Help 

Putting marble in one’s home is not a decision to be taken lightly. While it looks great, it is heavy and expensive, so it should be taken care of. If you have permanently damaged and need to replace your marble worktops, contact the marble experts; Paramount Stone Specialists. Paramount specialises in repairs and brand new marble products, UK-wide. You can reach Paramount on 01482 585600 or



So, there you are, here is a useful guide on how to remove stains from marble worktops and surfaces. If you have marble in your home or workplace, or are considering using it, we hope this blog will put you at ease. Yes, marble requires additional care, but if undertaken in the right way it needn’t mean you have to worry about it getting damaged and losing the features that make it such a wonderful material in the first place.